Sunday, April 11, 2010

LA via Milwaukee (with a stop in Madison)

Met with such a great couple today- Lilia and Dan! She's as cute as a button at a whopping 5'0" and highly organized and he likes dark beer and amaryllis- my kind of people.

When I found out that they've been dating/engaged long distance for a while now, I felt such a love for them. Shane and I did that for a year and a half while he lived in Cleveland and it was the hardest thing to do.

There is something to say about the romance of airport security lines....

Peonies, CARNATIONS!, Freesia, Sweet Peas, Ranunculus

{reason #214 why love him: cause he uses phrases like
"I'm gonna pull a Liam Neeson!"}

Saturday, April 10, 2010

from this

to this

which do you like better?

either way, they loved them.

867-53 OH nyyyyy eee ahhhh nnnn...

For Jen
{a sample I hope she loved}

Charlie's White Peonies, Freesia, Eskimo Roses, Sweet Peas

one MUST sing it- "Jennnnnny- I got yo' number"

Wednesday, April 7, 2010