Friday, June 1, 2012

i'm getting old.

I'm finding that getting old is just as bad as you think it is. Really. There is no sugar coating trying to remember high school- even college- without coming up with fuzzy memories (and not because of the drinking). So when Andy's prom date's mom asked if Danielle and I were twins- I genuinely felt elated- Four Years Younger- WOO HOO! what's wrong with me?? Oh well- here are Andy's prom pics. What a cutie. :)

* By the way- I felt so bad that Danielle, Andy and I literally bombard a place with how loud we are. Sorry kids!

Don't you LOVE this picture?? I think a prom corsage it one of the first floral gifts a girl ever gets; love it!

1 comment:

bex said...

you ladies do bombard a place! It's a fantastic phenomenom!!!